Ecoegg Live Clever Fresh Food Saver Bags Large – 25 Bags

$21.71 incl. GST

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Ecoegg was founded in 2008 with one product – their signature Laundry Egg √¢‚Ǩ‚Äú and a passion for using nature instead of chemicals to help with the chores. That passion and a keen understanding of customers√¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢ needs led to many more innovative ideas for washing and cleaning, deodorising and disinfecting, and today Ecoegg has a large, low-cost line-up of UK-manufactured household products that are both highly effective and safe for the environment and your health.

Weight0.1 kg

Read About Ecoegg Brand

For environmentally friendly products, check out the EcoEgg selection of products. These use no harsh chemicals and are made to be safe for the environment. Their cleaning products and other items are designed to be healthy for you and have a minimal impact on the environment, from production to consumer use. Shop the entire selection here at Health Tree.

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