
Banaban Pet Tonic Organic Virgin Coconut Oil 450ml

$17.94 incl. GST

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SKU: 75035 Categories: , , , ,

You can improve your pet’s ability to manage its weight, keep its skin looking shiny and healthy and enjoy better energy levels.

There are new advances in medical research that prove the advantage of using this oil. Coconut oil contains medium chain fatty acids that help animals to lose weight and to experiences a better metabolism. You don’t have to worry about these fats making their way into the bloodstream like most fats do. Instead, they travel to the liver and are turned into usable energy, similar to the way carbohydrates work. Your pet’s body can use that coconut oil fat to make energy and not turn it onto excess body fat.

This a product that is completely natural. It becomes solid at a temperature of under 18°C. Ifit gets above that temperature, it will start to soften, and your pets will enjoy it either way.

Weight0.45 kg


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