Cold & Flu Relief

A strong immune system will only be possible with the right nutrition. You can supplement your diet with herbs and nutrients that boost your immunity. They allow your body to fight back more effectively and are especially useful in fending off colds, flus and allergies when those health problems attack the hardest. With the support they provide, you will be back on your feet in no time.
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Cold sores can form on the nose and around the lip and are incredibly irritating and itchy. The cause is the herpes simplex virus, and the best cure are antiviral creams, such as lysine, an amino acid. The creams can be applied directly to the painful sores, and if that’s not how you want to deal with the embarrassing problem, you can always opt for tablets. This helps to prevent new blisters from forming, and you should take between 500 and 1000mg each day to treat cold sores.